понедельник, 14 января 2013 г.


Elves (German elf - English. Elf) - magical people in Germany and the Scandinavian and Celtic folklore. Also known as Alva (álfr - Scand.), Seeds (sidhe - IE etc..).
Description of the elves in various mythologies are different, but, as a rule, it is beautiful, light beings, spirits of the forest, friendly person. They are permanent characters and fantastic fiction, especially fantasy, along with gnomes, goblins and trolls.
There is a widespread belief that the elves and fairies - are one and the same, but they can be both one and the same or different entities. Despite the frequent similarity of description, traditional Celtic "elves» - sidhe, for example, could represent the winged, unlike the fairies, who in Celtic sagas are not much different from ordinary people. In English, the word was borrowed into fairy XII-XV centuries from the Old French «faerie» (modern spelling - feerie, fee), a descriptive cover everything that somehow came to the place of residence and work mythological "little people» (faie; later - fee ). The source of the French term is Latin fata (guardian spirit, hence the same - Italian fata, Spanish hada). Fata, are used in the feminine gender in the Romance languages, was originally neuter plural («fates») was derived from fatum («predicted", "prophetic"). In England, it was the age-old idea of ​​"elf", "fairy" is severofrantsuzskogo folklore of Normandy came here only after the conquest of William [1].
In Norse mythology, there are two types of Alva: upper (light) and lower (dark or svartalvy), and the last in the "Edda" pays much more attention. They are beings who live underground and have dark skin. They have repeatedly created for the gods magical things. In later folklore, the image merged with the gnomes.
In William Shakespeare's elves - a small air winged creatures resembling elves not English folklore, but rather small and pixie-winged babies. This playfully emphasized Tolkien [2], who considered her a map of mythical races more appropriate German, Celtic and even European folklore in general.

In the Germanic languages, there is a group of similar «elf» words Danish name «elv», Anglo-Saxon «aelf», Swedish «alv», Norwegian «alv» and Icelandic «alf-ur», which means a single root, and therefore - representations of the past unity of elves among the ancestors of all modern Germanic peoples. The very same origin as the German word "elf" is much more difficult to understand, and it is hardly possible at all. Some researchers have linked the word with Roman roots "album" - "white", there is also an opinion [3], that it comes from the Welsh or Irish «ellyl» / «aillil» - «shining", ascending to the Sumerian «ellu» - too "shining." Indeed, the elves of the early legends featured glow emanating from them, as an example, see the Anglo-Saxon word «ælf-sciene» [4] and the Shining folk legends in the English text of Scottish Clan MacLeod. [5] In the same row Sanskrit name Ribhu (Sanskrit ऋभु, ṛbhú IAST, «skilled") or Ribhukshany - vindiyskoy mythology that represents the lower class of deities, causing fertility and wealth, which means "cunning, clever, resourceful, intelligent," [6], there point of view, exalts ṛbhú IAST to the same root, from which the English elf «elf" [7], Lat. albus (white) [8], etc.-sitting. alfR [9] (alpha, Elf or Dwarf dwarf), OE. ælf (pl. ylfe) (Elf) and possibly arm. աղաւնի (dove) and alawunk '(Pleiades) [10] [11].
Alva in Ed

Alva - essentially the same word "elves", but the pronunciation of some of the German and Scandinavian languages.
In the "Elder Edda" opposed higher gods - aces. In Germanic mythology, the origin of the elves is closely connected with the history of the universe, and distinguishes between two main "discharge" elves: Alpha - white, bright, kind elves and dvergi - dark and gloomy, the cunning dwarfs (most likely it's just another name dwarfs). However, perhaps it was Alva divided into light and dark, and dark and are called dwarfs. This difference turned out because of the word "Alva", one from him and then there was the word "elves." According to the "Prose Edda," Alva and dwarfs were born in the flesh of Ymir, like worms, but by the will of the gods accepted a part of the human mind and the external appearance of the people. However, the "Edda" tells about the appearance of dwarfs differently. It says that the gods created the two dwarfs "Brimir from blood, bone Blaina," and the other fashioned from clay. Although, this is not surprising when you consider that Brimir and Blain - just different names Ymir.
Alva - spirits of nature. They live in their own country Alvheyme. They shape their beautiful sun. Government Alva god-smith Volund. They are "light elves."
Dvergi or dwarfs - underground dwarfs, skilled blacksmiths. They live underground and are afraid of the light, the sun's rays turn them into stone. They are not big in stature, but very strong. Their appearance little is known, except that they are small in stature and portend trouble. According to some sources, the dvergov feet seven fingers. They kidnap animals and children, as well as much to small tricks. They are "dark elves." From them came so popular in modern English literature gnomes. They entrusted the earth, because almost everywhere dvergov were considered most skilled blacksmith who can forge the most flexible and rigid steel or manufacture of gold and silver are small things that are barely able to distinguish the human eye. In the Middle Ages believed firmly in the origin of the good swords and coats of mail from dwarfs. There are many different stories about how they gave people the works of their forges. These gifts have always had what some special properties. But the trouble is, if these gifts there were displaced: dwarfs, in revenge, always managed to give them such a nature that got them in his lifetime could not forgive himself for violence made artful blacksmith sorcerer.
Here is an ancient Norse legend of such cunning and vengeful dwarf dvergah.
"Suafarlami, one of the descendants of Odin, was once on the hunt. He wandered through the woods and could not get on the trail of some animal, and finally he came into this wilderness, from which did not know how, and to get out. To his right was a hill. Looking at him, I saw Suafarlami sitting before the hill two dwarfs then pulled out his heavy sword, he stood between them and the hill and blocked their way way home.
Midgets begged for mercy, asking him for his life and freedom to buy whatever. Suafarlami released them only on condition that they had forged his sword, who would not let us never miss, being cut down to steel and iron, as a rake, never rust and always brought in battles and fights to win, in whose hands. Midgets promised to forge a sword, and appointed a day in which Suafarlami had to come after him. When he arrived on the appointed day, the dwarves had given him from the hill wonderful magic sword in a silver sheath, with a gold chain handle and on which it was necessary to append. - Here's a promise - they said Suafarlami - but know that this sword will kill the person each time, as will be exposed, that through it will be three shamefully committed fratricide, and you yourself will be killed by them. And so was fulfilled exactly as predicted dwarfs. As soon as he drew his sword to look at him, he stabbed his brother in the chest, which is also bent to see it. And then once again, taking the sword Suafarlami tripped and fell on him, himself stabbed to death. "
Celts dwarfs counterfeiters, say that the magic bag which is always tied to their belts, always full of gold coins, and even if someone can acquire such a treasure, that to the end of his days will be rich.
Tuatha Celts
In times of great antiquity in Ireland appeared Tuatha de Danna (tribes or the children of the goddess Danu Danu). They hid their magic land in dense fog and reigned supreme island, fighting with other tribes and demons Fomhoire, sailed across the sea.
Subsequently, the Tuatha de Danna lost power over Ireland Milesi (sons of Mil.) Milesi made with the Tuatha contract in which Milesi get possession of the island, and the children can stay in Dan Ireland, but do not live on the surface and inside the hills, called sidami. Hence the new name De Danann - seeds (Sídhe) or Shih (Shee).
Particle "shi" in the names of supernatural beings almost always indicates that it is a creature of German or Celtic mythology. For example: baavan shek banshee; dini shek kite shek cipher, etc.
The image of the oxides is almost identical to the modern concepts of elves that have arisen due to the modern and classical literature.
Seeds are tall and beautiful face. However, one of their touch is enough to drive a person crazy coals oxides, impregnated with poison-tipped, killed on the spot. Government sidami Queen Medb - beautiful woman with blue eyes and long blond hair. Those who happen to see it die out of love and longing. If Sidamo not bother, they will not pay the slightest attention to the people. They have their own lives, their worries - they graze their cattle wonderful, dancing, sipping whiskey and playing music. Especially watch out for seeding should be on Halloween (October 31) - the ancient pagan festival of the Celts, the beginning of the new year. It is believed that at the time seeds are moving from one hill to another. It is often tempting seeds and carry away the mortal men (knights, warriors and princes). In the Irish saga "The disappearance Kondly Beautiful, son of Konda Hundred Battles" tells the girl of seeding long seduced a young man. She said to him:
"-I went out of the country alive, out of the country, where there is no death, no misery. There we have an uninterrupted feast lasts, which is not necessary to cook. In the big Side we inhabit, and therefore we zovemsya tribe seeding.
Come with me, my beloved. Gold crown cover your face purple to honor your regal look. Wish only - and never fade Neither youth nor beauty of your features, captivating to the end of the century. " Double druids could dispel enchantment seeding, but the third time, when she sang "Long draws you sweet desire with me for a wave you want to be carried away. If you come into my glass boat, we reach the kingdom triumphantly. There is a country that is far, Mila is the one who will find it. Though, I see, so the sun sets. We have it, distant, reach into the night. "
The young man jumped into the glass boat and sailed away with the girl, and most of its people are met.

Elves in English folklore
The British, as opposed to residents Scandinavia and Germany, do not share the elves in "light" and "dark." Elves are seen more in the way of the English fairy - not evil, but not good creatures, with their eccentricities, passions and vices.
In some counties of England, people believe in more or less good, though mischievous elves. In others - the cruel, evil and ugly men, also called elves. They are likely to be marked by one word - pixie (pixie).
Elves have one particularly nasty flaw: it is their passion for theft. Still let them be amused by the fact that the field would be fleeced with peas but emptied barrels of beer, or climbing into the cellar, pulled through a straw dear old wine!
But no - they are not content with this, their theft usually takes a much more important and dangerous nature: they are constantly trying to take off into the hills bride immediately after the wedding and take infants to the baptism. In place of the stolen babies are placed in the cradle of some of their monsters that torment all around obnoxious shouting, anger and whims.
These traits elves especially aroused the indignation of people against them, and there are many different legends about such antics Hillman. All such legends as well as the beliefs that led them to the base, a very ancient and so much ingrained that villagers still in Sweden and Germany are very hostile look at the lame, hunchbacked and sickly children, calling them usually foundlings elves.
Here are some typical English fairy tales of elves:
"One mother claimed the child Elves, at least, she could not help it as a pop, explain the fact that its healthy, red-cheeked baby in one night pale, thin and changed color and character: first a quiet and gentle, he now constantly crying, screaming and tantrums. Poor mother begged for help from various smart and experienced people. Some advised her to throw the baby straight into the deep snow, the other - to grab his nose red-hot pincers, and others - leave it overnight in a big way, so as to arouse in fairies compassion for their fellow man, and, therefore, be forced to return this baby.
Mother firmly could not agree with them, because it was worried thought: "What if it's not a foundling, and really my child, only spoiled by someone's evil eye?"
Finally, an old woman took pity on her and said:
- First of all, you need to know, perhaps, a foundling whether it is or not. And to find that out, you take half a dozen eggs, break them in half shell, put the child in the center and pour water in them. What happens, she'll see. Only look, prepare in advance tempered pliers to get a good scare elf, if the child will be a changeling.
The mother took the old woman's advice, and immediately on arrival home, put it in the oven tongs kalitsya and began breaking eggs before the hearth. Seeing this, the child suddenly sat up, stopped and began to look closely at his mother.
When she laid on the hearth eggshells and filled with water, the child suddenly turned to her and said (although the two-month general, children do not speak a word):
- What are you, a mother doing?
Mother shuddered to hear this, but how can casually replied:
- You, I think he can see what I'm doing: the water boil.
- How? - Continued imaginary child with growing astonishment. - The egg shell to boiling water?
- Well, yes, - answered his mother, looking into the oven to see if ready tongs.
- May God have mercy - elf cried, clasping her hands, - I now live 1,500 years, the world, and never have seen anything like it!
Here mother grabbed a red glow from the stove and curling with rage rushed to the foundling, but he quickly jumped out of the crib, jumped to the stove and took off into the pipe.
When the mother ran to the cradle with red-hot pincers, they have it suddenly dropped out of hand: in bed, in place of the ugly elf lay her precious little girl, a little hand tucked under his head, and the other clutching to his breast, which rose slightly lighter and even breathing. Who give joy a mother? "
"Once upon a husband and wife. Elves have taken their child that baptisms have been slowed by some household chores, and slipped them instead of their own child (foundling). This ugly, thin and, apparently, frail child terribly tortured and his father, and mother, until someone was in the room, he roared all day and tossed in a cradle, and a little just all came out of the room, as he jumped out of the cradle on the floor and began to climb the wall, jump up and dance: he ate enough for four, and never seems to not been fed.

Parents soon decided that it must necessarily be a foundling, and put rid of it, come what may. On the advice of an experienced healer, a mother is how set to work. Took the pig, and stabbed him in the pudding baked with bristles, hides, hooves and head.
When asked for an imaginary child she has, she immediately gave him a strange dish. He set about it with his usual eagerness, but chewing a few minutes to think about, looked with amazement at the pudding and suddenly said:
- That's strange! I served meat with skin and stubble, with hooves, eyes! Ha! Ha! Ha! Yes I do as much as I live in the world! Already after three times seen it develop young wood, but of such meat, and not heard!
However, he jumped out of the cage and disappeared, and the elves returned to their parents shrewdness of this child. "
In England, called the "lock of the elf 'tuft of tangled hair, believing that it is a leprosy elves. In an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy, relating to, by all accounts, to the era of paganism, he is credited with an insidious habit of throwing from a distance tiny iron arrows that pierce the skin without leaving a trace, and cause sudden painful cramps.
In Ireland, believe in the "big", human-elves there called the Tuatha De Danann (other sources say the title of one of the highest klassovfeyri) or oxides, as well as in small-winged elves fairies (as the English, the Irish call them fairy - under the same word they mean and fairies).
Elves in Danish folklore
In Denmark, the word "elf" means being the legend of which are widespread throughout northern Europe and they are called Skog, or forest spirits or Ella. Describe their similar - men are like old men in wide-brimmed hats, and the women are young and beautiful, but a green dress they hide oxtails (as men-Elle), and if by chance to see a woman, Ella behind, you can see that the back and neck have it - hollow.
] Elves in Swedish folklore
While legends about elves are not too common in Sweden, their folklore includes a large number of stories and legends of fairies and all sorts of mysterious creatures that live in the forest. It is believed that the forest spirits referred to in the old Swedish tradition, this wood elves or otherwise - forest people.
In pagan times, people believed that a particularly powerful and sprawling trees inhabit the forest elf. Aura of sanctity surrounding pagan groves and trees derives from the ancient custom make sacrifices in the trees. Perhaps the idea of ​​habitable tree was borrowed from Greco-Roman culture.
In Sweden, as in all the Nordic countries, there is a story about magical creatures with hollow backs, live in forests. Swedes call them Virus. Skog probably not among the evil spirits, but people preferred not to meet with them, and for what they took with them into the woods with metal objects. Version that supernatural beings are afraid of iron, are also widely distributed in Europe.
In Sweden, you can still see the so-called altars elf (elf-altars), which in pagan times the ritual and sacrifice. Some of these rites were performed and after the adoption of Christianity.
Often there are stories about the "witches' rings": it is believed that in these places elves or wood spirits at night, play around them. There are many legends in different people (mostly Scots, Irish and Swedish) about the elves offered mortals (usually a knight) to join their dance and take part in the dance. In this case, if the person refuses, vengeful elves sent his terrible illness and misfortune. And if you agree, then in the morning, when the magic elves scattered, man found dead in the center of the witch circle. Roger Zelazny in his epic novel "The Chronicles of Amber" used and adapted an ancient Celtic myth of the Witch ring:
"I was told that it happened in the far west - there was a small circle of toadstools. Inside, they found him dead girl. Place announced damned. Circle began to grow rapidly and in a few months was in the whole league. Inside the ring, the grass was darkened and shiny, like metal, but not destroyed. Trees shriveled, their leaves faded. They rattled, even when there was no wind, and bats danced and darted between them. At dusk, there roamed strange shadows - but always within the circle, and some lights, like little fires burning there at night. "
Interestingly, in some Swedish traditions elves divided into three groups, belonging, respectively, the elements of earth, air and water. Wood elf in this case refers to the element of earth. Also in Sweden spread tales of mountain narodtsem. Of these creatures, little is known (despite the abundance of tales and stories): mountain narodtsem called and elves and dwarves and trolls even sometimes, just like Norway.
Elves in Norwegian folklore
In Norway, the common legends and tales of various lower mythical creature called a word - tussery. Under this heading may be involved elves, dwarves, vettiry ("underground narodec", another name dwarfs) huldra (a beautiful woman with a cow's tail, which she hides from people), trolls or Nisse (similar house). Norwegian feature presentation of this supernatural people is that, according to their beliefs, tussery, like people, build houses and churches, and care of the animals and live villages.
Polish researcher Wojciech Gorceac noted: [12].
"It should be noted that the elves in Norse mythology, the gods are the same as the indigenous inhabitants of Scandinavia. Name of elves is vague, because it determines the deity, and a host of magical creatures. A common feature of all the elves - their beauty and presence of magical abilities. It was believed that their "headquarters" - Alvheym - located in the northern part of Sweden, to the south-east of Oslo, north of Gothenburg, and mezhdurecheKlaryalvena Glomma (Swedish Raumelfr). These creatures are an important part of the mythological Norse culture "
Elves in modern culture
Elves are deeply rooted in the European tradition. The word "elf", in fact, is a kind of generalization - forest spirits called elves, fairies (fairies), dwarves, and even trolls.
Funny creatures, accompanying Santa Claus and help him deliver Christmas gifts called elves.
An interesting way of elves in Shakespeare. Also about elves mentioned in Goethe ("Faust"). Elves are present in proizvedeniyahRedyarda Kipling ("Pak with Hills", 1906), Lord Dunsany ("Daughter of the King of Elves," 1924), John R. R. Tolkien ("Lord of the Rings", 1954), Andrzej Sapkowski (Cycle "The Witcher" 1990-1998)
Differences images of elves in the works of William Shakespeare and John Tolkien explains that Shakespeare included in his works the characters English folklore and folk tales, while Tolkien in his novels have used the material taken from the "Edda" and other German legends.
In fantasy literature, dark elves have a "second birth." Tolkien in "The Silmarillion" described as the evil opposite of orcs elves and their evil perverted version, with black skin and a fear of the sun. The concept of "dark elves" ("morikvendi") Tolkien, however, does not apply to them and to the tribe of elves who had not seen the light of the tree and does not happen in Valinor.
A number of writers and the role of systems developers, in their work output of the dark elves as a separate species races of elves, often referring to the "division" of the two peoples, common in ancient times. The most famous image of the modern dark elves are the drow of the role system of Dungeons & Dragons, which absorbed many of the features as the mythical svartalvov (dark skin, life under the ground), and Tolkien's Orcs (vicious, black leather, fear of light).
Under the influence of time, myths about elves, their appearance and habits change. Their original appearance and purpose lost, since the roots of the myths about elves go into the pagan period. Now the image of the elves and their role in literary works is up to the author and his view on this magical people.
The real "little people"
Howard Lenhof the University of California suggested that the legend of the elves have a real prototype in people suffering from "Williams Syndrome" - genetic disorder arising in the loss of 20 specific genes in the seventh chromosome. The syndrome was first documented in 1961 in New Zealand, and the statistics account for one of 20,000 newborns. People with such rejection, in addition to problems with the cardiovascular system and mental disabilities, marked short stature, children face special features of lips, nose and eyes. Similarity to the "fairy" is enhanced by the inherent of distinctive character. Patients with Williams syndrome have a tenderness and sensitivity to the people around them are good musicians and storytellers, have amazingly clear voice. [13]

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