понедельник, 14 января 2013 г.


Rugaru, Lugar (French Loup-garou (werewolf), [1] options: Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaroo, Rugaru) - a kind of folklore werewolves, which is a man with a wolf's head, or "hybrid" of a person with a dog, a pig , cows or chickens (usually white).
Rugaru is part of the folklore of Francophone settlers in Louisiana. Among the versions of the legend are the most common are:
• Rugaru are those who sold his soul to the devil.
• Rugaru pursues naughty children. Or Catholics break the fast (one of the versions, the man seven years not to fast is rugaru).
• Rugaru cursed at 101 days. After this period, the curse is moved to a person whose blood rugaru drunk. At the same day the creature looks like a man, and although behaving weird, trying to hide his condition.
• To kill rugaru enough to stab him with a knife, shoot or burn. But there is a way to save him from this curse - in some versions of the legend, rugaru turns back into a human, if shed his blood. However, in a more somber version of the legend, bled rugaru a year kills.
Rugaru are transformed as werewolves - the body is not transformed, as it were turned inside out, quickly, without any physical discomfort and pain. In human form Rugaru keeps an animal essence, that is easy to outbursts of anger and kept at a distance from the people, although much depends on the character. When Rugaru in animal form, inside it is a man, he keeps the human mind and can control the animal desires, as a result do not "lose his head"

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