Fairy - in Celtic and Germanic folklore - being metaphysical nature having inexplicable, supernatural powers, leading hidden (both collective and separate) lifestyle while having the property to interfere with daily life - under the guise of good intentions, often causing harm [ 2]. The image of the fairies as exquisitely attractive, usually petite women, formed in the heyday of Romanticism in Western literature and has been developed in the Victorian era [3] [4] [5]. In a broad sense, the "fairies" in Western European folklore taken to mean the variety of related mythological creatures, often radically different from each other and appearance and habits, ostensibly friendly and bringing good luck, more often - sly and vindictive, prone to Hoaxes and abductions - before all infants [6] [7] [8].
History of the term and the phenomenon
The word "fairy", like its English equivalent fairy, was borrowed from Old French «faerie» (sovr. - feerie, fee), covering everything that is somehow related to the location of residence and work groups mythical "little people» (faie; later - fee). The source of the French term is Latin fata (guardian spirit, hence the same - Italian fata, Spanish hada). Fata, are used in the feminine gender in the Romance languages, it was originally neuter plural («fates») was derived from fatum («predicted", "prophetic").
Terminology associated with the fairies, to change, and not consistent, so in England initially dominated the idea of "elf", "fairy" in French folklore come here later. [6] In addition, according to the "Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology", "talking about fairies in English is extremely difficult, because the fairy word here translated dozens of more specific terms, indicating the various creatures of the same kind of Irish, shotlanskoy, Gallic, Welsh, Cornwall, mankskoy folk traditions ". [7]
The first reports of fairies appeared in medieval Europe, and the most widespread in Ireland, Cornwall, Wales and Scotland. [2] The first written retellings of stories about fairies in folklore were made Kambrensom Gerald (Giraldus Cambrensis, 1146-1223). However, these records - a rarity: mostly legends and stories passed down by word of mouth. [7] The researchers noted a striking similarity between the description of the fairies and their characteristics in Celtic, English, Scandinavian and continental folk traditions. [7]
Over time, the "documentary" evidence of people allegedly communicate with fairies, mixed with legends and literary images as medieval and relatively modern. [6] Complicates the matter of the fact that, under the guise of "fairies" in folklore entered characters of ancient mythology and sagas. [7] In addition, such an authoritative researcher, as Ven. Robert Kirk, who undertook the study of the fairies in Aberfoyle, Scotland, he was a supporter of the reality of their existence (in fact, according to legend, ended up being carried away in their kingdom). [8] Folklorists have collected numerous data on this belief, but their work remained largely unknown public and do not take seriously - as long as Catherine M. Briggc not put together all the facts on this phenomenon, demonstrating its prevalence, and a number of common features [ 6].
Descriptions of fairies
The idea of the fairy as tiny humanoid creature, often with wings, emerged relatively recently, in the second half of the XIX century. Originally fairy described in two ways - either as a tall, glowing angelic nature, or as something small and wrinkled and most appropriate under the description of a troll. [9] In the Scottish tale "The Fairy and the pot" to save the following description: "... The fairy was a tiny woman with a sharp little face, bright eyes and dark skin hazel. She lived in a green, grassy hill that rises near the home shepherd ". [10]
In this fairy creatures called both female and male, and the size is not taken as a permanent reality: in fact, it was thought that this take on their characteristic fairy magical means, arbitrarily changing it depending on what they want to make an impression [11] . It was alleged that the fairy can take the form of animals (selkie, kelpie) [12]. If you believe the post Justine Goh (Justinian Gaux), the ability to reincarnate fairies truly has no boundaries: XIV century author claimed that his eyes turned fairy once in two opposing armies, which immediately entered into a bloody battle, leaving the battlefield 700 corpses - and this is after the fairy, responsible for all of this, has managed to take the original form and to withdraw from the event. [13]
Reverend Robert Kirk, the parish priest of the Scottish Aberfoyle in Stirling, on the exterior of the fairies wrote in 1691 («The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies»): «These reasonable moving spirits have glowing, modify bodies (related to what is called the" astral ") and <consistency> thick clouds; they are best seen at dusk. These bodies is so changeable by refinement of the spirit inhabiting them, which may choose to disappear or appear last "[14]. Allusion to "illusionist" abilities present in fairy tales of the drug, which are presented to people [15] [16]. Popular heroine of Scandinavian sagas - the woman who caused the fairies to take childbirth (giving birth in such cases is often a woman from among the mortals, fairies kidnapping). As a reward midwife give salve designed typically for the child's eyes. Out of curiosity (or misunderstanding), she decided to try the effect of the drug on himself, and then as if to see clearly the reality (the only one midwife told me that she understood she took birth not in a noble lady in the palace, while the beggar in filthy cave) and in own world back or blind, or endowed with dangerous property - see fairies. [17]
In Celtic folklore, fairy - or undersized tiny creature, often becoming invisible - putting on a magic hat. Favorite color fairies - green, and this is not just clothes - there were reports of fairies with green skin and hair. [7] First depict fairies with wings, as if borrowed from insects began illustrators and artists of the Victorian era, when the fairy in the popular consciousness has developed into a kind of beautiful fairy tales. [2] In ancient tales do not seem to describe: the fairies were said to fly, but it did without the wings, often using as "vehicles" stems of plants (eg, ragweed) or birds [18].
Classification of fairies
It is believed that fairies are divided into two classes: the "social" and "individual", but this first graduation held recently-U. B. Yeats (1888) and James McDougall (1910). [7] Fairies of the first group (trooping fairies: Yeats himself and put into use the term) living communities and leisure activities engaged in collective sense: basically, dancing, music-making and participation in luxurious feasts. Mortals are fully capable to overhear the sounds of celebration, you just step on the mound fairies; discern traces of such gatherings of the rings on the grass or flower beds. In Celtic sources claim that "music fairy" was a "divine nature" and, moreover, that "some folk music originated in the music of the fairies". [8] "Sociable" fairies prefer green color and different size: the tiniest of them can be the size of a flower, the largest capable of entering into an intimate relationship with mortals, as there were "documented" evidence. [7]
Lonely fairy, however, avoid gatherings and despise unbridled fun fairies "nepotism": they are either attached to a person and become part of the home (brownies, brownie, leprechaun Irish), trying to help the owners and to bring good luck, or inhabit the open spaces (bogey: bogey, boggart) and there are more or less danger to bystanders. [6] Home fairy single prefers red, brown, or gray outfits. She often communicates with mortals in a threatening tone, and easily angered, but it is always tied to the man and, apparently, feels dependent on interaction with adults and children. Fairies single love do good may select food or money to give to the poor, bring toys to children or taken off damage by sending a witch. [7]
If the "sociable" fairy - a kind of "aristocrats" When there is good-natured, they are "lonely" relatives - "workers", the last popular rumor attributed special irritability. "Home" essentially helps owners to wash dishes, make fire, but ask to be treated with respect and rewarded a cup of milk for their care. In anger, they are capable of producing the effect resembles that soprovozhdaett Poltergeist: throwing stones, prevent ripening wheat, blow out the candles, utensils thrown from the shelves, the house was filled with smoke. [8]
The country of "social" fairy has a huge number of inhabitants, all the messages it - the monarchy, controlled queens, kings fairies are less common but have been mentioned and the rulers - couples. As noted, "The Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology", in many ways, "the kingdom of the fairies resemble human understanding of life in heaven. And there is no time, as there is no deformity, disease, age, and death. Mortals that fall into the realm of the fairies can spend up to 900 years, which seem to them just one night. " Abode fairies "aristocrats" always richly decorated with gold and silver. [7] Most romantic and touching folk stories somehow beat the "time" aspect tell of death, fell in love with the Queen of the fairies, who takes him to his kingdom, including all the desires, but then - with the effect of a breach of taboo - to the back, where he and learns that the earth went back hundreds of years. [8]
In Scottish folklore, there was a rating of the moral sense: it was believed that members of Seelie Court (Seelie - «Blessed", "sacred", analogous to the German selig or Old English sælig) - this is the "good" fairies. Despite the resentment and revenge, they are ready to provide assistance to a person, ask him for help, and then generously reward for it. [19] Their antipodes of Unseelie Court, on the contrary, ready to do harm, and without any reason to. [20] They attack at night traveler, transfer it to another country by air, beaten, forced to shoot livestock (elf-shoot) [21] [22]. Typical examples of this class of beings considered bogle, boggar, Abbylubber [23].
This kind of division is never seen as something strong: for example, English "Pixie» (pixie) has the characteristics of being both social and solitary, of the entity known as Robin Goodfellow, the impression as equally - about mischievous prankster and good home helper. Not all researchers agree that Brown - a kind of fairies. [6] Remained unclear, and the status of "nokera» (knocker), being supposedly inhabited the mines, where metal ore mined. [6]
The main feature of the fairies was considered extraordinary sensibility, notes the continuing willingness of fairies and thank people for their service. True, the gifts of fairies did not deserve to be treated confidential: the so-called "gold fairy" one only looked at presentation to, and very soon it turned into leaves, ginger cake crumbs, etc. [24] Among the unpleasant traits of fairies, which to fear the man mentioned a tendency to all sorts of pranks. Fairies could confuse hair sleeping, steal small items divert travelers astray. Attributed to them, and the more dangerous behaviors. One of the causes of any form of sudden death was considered kidnapping the fairies, what looked like a dead body, it was believed dummy leaves fairies instead kidnapped a living person [2] [25].
It was believed that vengeful fairies can cause disease (eg, tuberculosis), cause paralysis of livestock. [26] Fear of fairies and elves, bringing disease, remained in England until the time of the Tudors and the Stuarts. Kept records showing activity of rural healers who treated children in which "inspires fairy" - were the main means prayer or "magic potions". [6] On the other hand, people with unusual abilities, often claimed to have received them as a gift from the fairies, in the XVI-XVII centuries, was not uncommon, when healers have used drugs, as they claimed, brought by the fairies, and the same forces were able to expose the witches [6]. Stone arrowheads Neolithic considered "weapons fairies": water, which dipped these stones brought, it was thought, freedom from disease [8].
Fairies, known as Peg Powler and Jenny Greenteeth, who lived in the waters could drown Bathe, advised to avoid swimming in areas where they live. [27] Fairies, according to Celtic legends, were able to bring the "impact» (fairy stroke), which deprived the victim of speech. It was alleged that offended fairy terrible in his anger: it reacts violently and decisively, often burning houses and destroying crops. At the same tricks of the fairies were often not provoked they only made mischief for clot milk, milked the cows in the fields, snatching food from the table, soiled clothing left to dry. [7]
In the folklore associated with fairies, a significant place stories of kidnapping. The people believed that this is a dangerous habit for a person had to do with "subordinate" position fairies that pay tribute to the devil's own children, in order to save the past, they steal men, instead of leaving the foundlings. [28] The latter are thought to have resemblance to the kidnapped children, but they were pale, painful and irritated. [7] Sometimes foundling could entice recognize their origin, but there was more brutal methods - torture by fire, and the belief in its efficacy persists in some rural areas of the UK until the middle of XIX century. [8] "There is no doubt that some children received fatal burns, becoming a victim of its own extremely unusual temperament" [8], - said Lewis Spence.
Danger of abduction were adults, especially mothers, who have not had a priest. [29] According to popular belief, a prisoner of the fairies could turn out to be just a tasting treats fairy. [30] The fate of kidnapped a discrepancy in the stories: according to one view in the realm of fairies, they live happily, without fear of disease and death, according to another - languishing with longing for family and friends. [31]
Folk remedies for fairies
A significant part of Western folklore associated with fairies, for protection of their anger: the primary role for this cold iron, which the fairies are afraid. Fear before the iron fey subsequently contacted with the theory of "fairies"-descendants of the conquered peoples (invaders using iron tools, the indigenous people - stone). Were known as the magical properties of ash, the defending fairy. [32] In folklore, there are detailed instructions on the protection of fairies kidnapping children and adults [25]. Among the charms to scare the fairies mentioned putting clothes inside out. It was believed that fairies are afraid of running water, the sound of church bells, clover-quatrefoil. In these regulations were noticed contradictions: for example, some communities rowan revered as a means of scaring away fairies, but in other religions mentioned as a plant sacred to the fairies.
In the folklore of Newfoundland main defense against fairies considered bread as fresh and stale. The belief in the magical properties of special bread goes back to ancient times. Bread, which has a relationship with the home and hearth as a symbol of the conquest of nature and, therefore, should be disgusted with the fairies. However, it was fresh-baked bread (along with butter and cream) was considered the most common form of the gift of fairy or houses. [33] According to K. Briggs, "primitive food and therefore a symbol of life - bread is the most common means of protection against the fairies. Before heading to the place inhabited by fairies, it was considered necessary to enlist the support force of bread, put a piece of it in his pocket ". [34] In Ireland (in particular, in the county of Wexford, as recorded in 1882), "if the child had to take out of the house in the dark, in his cradle sewn clothing or a piece of bread as a protection against evil forces" [35]. On the other hand, is strictly not recommended to eat fairy gifts: it was thought that this is how you can step back to them in the "kingdom" and stay there forever. [2]
Ambiguous role played and bells with bells: though their sound was thought to scare members of the "small world", the Queen of the fairies often used bells to harness their horses.
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