понедельник, 14 января 2013 г.

Time travel

Method 1. Very fast moving with great speed. This is Uncle Einstein said that the faster we move, the slower these days. So fly around the Earth at nearly the speed it is possible to meet his great-grandchildren. And if we are moving faster than the speed of light, that our time goes backwards, and we find ourselves in the past. That's only when we reach such speeds is unknown.

Method 2. This method was derived mathematician. If the universe is spinning, going around it fast enough you can go back in time. But the evidence, the fact that the universe revolves not. Therefore proposed another option (Warning! Here sick imagination of mathematicians in general has issued a fun picture): take an infinitely long rotating around its axis rod and start running around. And if you run fast enough, you can be in the past.

Method 3. You've heard about the giant superstrings connecting everyone and everything in this world. Actually if you believe the "String theory" only those infinitely long strings exist in the universe, and everything else, including us, that the string vibrations. Theoretically, an infinitely long superstring is no different from an infinitely long rod, and if the two superstring face, they will start to rotate around each other. However, to find such a place is not easy, but that would fly his spaceship needs.

Method 4. Mole holes. This hole, connecting two points in space and time. In theory, they occur in the centers of black holes. Through one of the holes the main hero of the series "Farscape" goes to far-predalekoy galaxy. Without going into the details of astrophysics, but now scientists suggest that the black hole has the shape of the ball is not, and the rings in the center of this ring is a wormhole. If you fly through a wormhole, it is possible to be, generally speaking, anywhere, at least in the past, at least in the future, at least on the other side of the galaxy, at least in a parallel fantasy steampunk universe. That's just not go back to work, if you log into a wormhole to the other side, then you will be in the next universe, and then in the next, and so on ...
Some scientists suggest that it is possible to create a reversible wormhole through which to use, though to do so they need a few very, very much antimatter. But antimatter in our time is very expensive - for several trillion grams of antimatter to $ 20 million.

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