Kitsune (Jap. 狐) - the Japanese name for the fox. In Japan, there are two subspecies of fox Japanese red fox (hondo kitsune living on Honshu; Vulpes japonica) and Hokkaido fox (kitsune whale, living in Hokkaido; Vulpes schrencki).
In Japanese folklore, these animals possess a greater knowledge, long life, and magical powers. Chief among them - the ability to take the form of a man, a fox, according to legend, is a student to do it at a certain age (usually a hundred years, although some legends - fifty). Kitsune usually take the shape of a seductive beauty, pretty young girls, but sometimes turn around and the elderly. It should be noted that in the Japanese mythology was mixing indigenous Japanese beliefs that characterized the fox as an attribute of the god Inari (see for example the Legend - "Fox-weight weight" [1]) and the Chinese, who thought Fox werewolves, comes close to the demons.
Other features commonly attributed to the kitsune include the ability to become implanted in the wrong body, exhale or otherwise create fire, to appear in other people's dreams, and the ability to create illusions are so complex that they are almost indistinguishable from reality. Some of the stories go on, speaking of kitsune with the ability to bend space and time, bring people mad, or take such inhuman or fantastic shapes like trees indescribable height or a second moon in the sky. Occasionally kitsune ascribed characteristics that resemble vampires: they feed on the life force or spiritual people you come into contact. Sometimes describe kitsune guarding round or pear-shaped object (hoshi tama but that is the "star ball") states that it had taken possession of the ball can make kitsune to help themselves, one theory states that the kitsune "stockpile" of his magic in this ball after transformation. Kitsune must keep their promises, otherwise they will have to be punished by a reduction of their rank or level of force.
Kitsune are associated with both Shinto and to Buddhist beliefs. In Shinto Kitsune are associated with Inari, the patron deity of rice fields and businesses. Foxes were originally messengers (Czukay) of the deity, but now the difference between them is so blurred that Inari himself sometimes depicted as a fox. In Buddhism, they became famous for the popular IX-X centuries in Japan Buddhist Shingon school secret, one of the principal deities of which, Dakini, depicted riding on horseback through the sky on FOX.
In folklore, the kitsune - a kind of youkai, that is a demon. In this context, the word "kitsune" is often translated as "fox spirit." However, this does not necessarily mean that they are not living beings, or are something other than foxes. The word "spirit" is used here in the Eastern sense, reflecting the state of knowledge or insight. Any fox, who lived long enough, so that can be a "fox-spirit." There are two main types of kitsune: mebu or godly fox, which is often associated with Inari and nogitsune or wild fox (literally "field fox"), often, but not always, described as an evil that has malicious intent.
We kitsune can be up to nine tails. In general, it is believed that the older and stronger than the fox, the greater her tail. Some sources even claim that kitsune grows extra tail every hundred or a thousand years of your life. However, the fox found in fairy tales, almost always have one, five, or nine tails.
When kitsune get nine tails, their fur becomes silver, white, or gold. But these kyubi kitsune ("nine-fox") gets the power of infinite insight. Similarly, in Korea, said the fox, who lived a thousand years, turns into kumiho (Kumiho) (literally "nine-fox"), but the Korean fox always portrayed evil in contrast to the Japanese fox, which can be both benevolent and malevolent. Vkitayskom folklore also has a "fox spirits" (fuck-ching), in many ways similar to the kitsune, including the possibility of having nine tails.
In some stories, kitsune have difficulty hiding his tail in human form (usually foxes in these stories have only one tail, which may be an indication of weakness and inexperience of the fox). Attentive hero can expose a person turning drunken or reckless fox making out through the clothes of her tail.
One of the famous kitsune is also a great guardian spirit Kyubi. It is a spirit guardian and protector to help young "wayward" souls on their way to the current incarnation. Kyubi usually remain for long, only a few days, but in the case of attachment to a single soul can accompany her for years. This is a rare type of kitsune, was awarded a fortunate few with his presence and help.
In Japanese folklore, the kitsune are often described as deceivers, and sometimes it is very evil. Kitsune-deceiver use their magical powers for mischief: those that appear in a favorable light, tend to choose their goals too proud samurai, greedy merchants, and boastful people, while more severe kitsune tend to torment the poor traders, farmers and Buddhist monks.
More kitsune is often described as mistresses. In these stories, there is usually a young man and a kitsune, taking the form of a woman. Sometimes attributed to the role of seductress kitsune, but often these stories more romantic. In these stories, the young man usually marries a beautiful woman (not knowing it was a fox), and attaches great importance to its commitment. In many of these stories, there is a tragic element: they end up finding the essence of a fox, kitsune then must leave her husband.
The oldest known stories of wives, foxes, which gives folk etymology of the word "kitsune", in this sense, is no exception. It takes the form of a fox woman and married a man, and then the two of them, having spent several happy years together, give birth to more children. Its essence fox suddenly opened when in the presence of many witnesses, it scared the dog, and to hide, takes its true form. Kitsune is preparing to leave home, but her husband stopped her, saying, "Now that we have been together for several years and you gave me a few children, I can not just forget you. Please come and sleep. " Lisa agrees, and has since returned to her husband every night as a woman, leaving the next morning in the form of a fox. After that it became known as kitsune - because in classical Japanese kitsu-ne means "let's go and get some sleep," while Tsune ki means "always coming."
Offspring of marriages between people and is usually attributed to the kitsune special physical and / or supernatural properties. The particular nature of these properties, however, varies from one source to another. Among those who were thought to have such an extraordinary opportunity - known ommedzi Abe-no Seimei, who was hane (poludemon), the son of man and kitsune.
Rain falling from the sky, sometimes called kitsune, but emeiri or "kitsune wedding."
• Yako or Yakan - ordinary kitsune.
• Byakko ("white fox") - Kitsune, wherein the white color.
• AOPC ("Black Fox") - kitsune black.
• Reiki ("Ghost Fox").
• Kiko ("spiritistic fox").
• Corio ("chasing the fox").
• Cuco ("air fox").
• Nogitsune ("wild fox").
• Tank ("Divine Fox") - kitsune over 1000 years, has nine tails, and sometimes golden skin.
Volkolak (werewolves) - Werewolf in Slavic mythology, taking image of the wolf: it is a sorcerer or receiving animal image, or just a person of witchcraft spell turned into a wolf.
With the Slavs volkolak due representation of creatures devour the sun and the moon.
The name comes from Wolf + dlaka, the second word means bear. In Church Slavonic dictionary Fr. Mr. Dyachenko is declared Old Slavonic, in the etymological dictionary M. Vasmer - Church Slavonic, both doubtful, since the word is not found either in the old-and Church Slavonic texts, nor in the ancient.
It is believed that since the beginning of XIX century with the light hand of Pushkin spread distorted (from volkolak vurkolak) form of the name - Ghoul, which soon became the dominant literary language (see: M. Fasmer. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Per . to him. and complement ON Trubacheva. T. 1. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1964). [1]
The word "volkolak" (with the regular phonetic variations) Slavic: Russian. volkolak Ukr. vovkulaka, Belarus. vaўkalak, Pol. wilkołak (from literature. vilkolakis), Czech. vlkodlak, Slovak. vlkolak, Serb. vukodlak, Bulg. vlkolak, vrkolak (where grech.βρουκόλακας, βρυκόλακας and room. pricolic). Hypothetical. Art.-Slav. vlkodlak.
Similarity in other nations
Similar volkolak werewolf werewolf (from drevnegermanskogo wer - man and wolf - wolf Werwolf educated German and English werewolf); and Spanish hombre lobo; French loupgarou; Italian lupo mannaro; Portuguese lobisomem; ancient Romans - faunus ficarius, Armenians - mardagayl.
Beliefs in the werewolf played a prominent role in folk tales and distributed around the world, in some countries instead wolves are other predatory beasts in the East Indies - a tiger in South America - the jaguar, in Africa - lion, hyena, etc. n, stories about them most people of different races come together with each other even in the details. It is known that in Belarus volkolak attributed to the Prince of Polotsk Vseslav, which, because of its nature, becomes a wolf, nicknamed - Wizard (Usyaslaў Charadzey).
South Russian and Ukrainian Believe
According to Ukrainian folk traditions sorcerers or witches, anyone wanting to turn into a wolf, catch a wolf pelt and whisper with the magic words.
Sometimes the sorcerer puts a threshold excess belt of twisted bast, who step over the belt, and he turns into a wolf and a former human form can be obtained only when the belt will rub and arcane burst, or when someone will put on him to take off Time, which had previously been imposed on the nodes and imposing each time saying Gospodipomiluy.
Themselves witches, wanting to transform into animals, catch yourself a ring of urine or tumble through hoops.
To turn the wedding train in a pack of wolves, the sorcerer take as belts and urine, how to train those whispers over the straps and bast spell, and then one by one they belts ride; belted immediately become volkolak.
Against these spells can only act spells or charms, which are called wards. In Kharkov province because people believe in the power of charms, that does not bother them to quack spoken: they can read and anyone acting in the role of a wedding groomsman.
In Ukraine volkolak distinguish two kinds. Volkolak transformed from ordinary people, beings do not seem malicious, and those who are suffering, unhappy, deserving full of compassion: they live in dens, scouring the woods, howling like a wolf, but retain the human sense. Volkolak just turns freely, especially witches, do not experience any pain, use the conversion to its purpose; Ryskov wolves at night, at dawn, they again take human form. This distinction is very boldly serve two facts, which can be summarized as common beliefs volkolak.
Volkolak sufferers - are representatives of a special kind of madness, in which patients imagine that they are or may be converted into a wolf. This disease, known as lycanthropy, was distributed in Europe, the average age, patients of this kind still found in the Russian villages, such disease is known in Abyssinia and vAssame, only there the role played by the wolf hyena and a tiger.
At the same beliefs about volkolak malicious visible echoes of mystical ideas, in which the wolf is the personification of the hostile forces of nature. South Slavic beliefs associated with volkolak vampires (vampire). According to legends of the South Slavs, volkolak induces hunger, sucks the blood of humans and dogs sometimes assumes the shape of a handsome guy and makes the young widow to join him in the marriage bond, and therefore the result is children who have, generally, not byvaetkostey. Every man, who was in his lifetime friends with veshtitsami (witch) or evil pitchfork or devil and died without repentance, is made after the death volkolak: a devilish spirit enters the body of a dead man, animates him and forces him to cause all kinds of misery to man. However, even good people sometimes waiting in the afterlife fate volkolak. This happens when a dead man, while he was lying on the table, crossing the cat, dog or chicken. Therefore, the South Slavs banish these animals out of their homes for as long as there is a dead man. In volkolak become as children born of the marriage relation volkolak with a woman, and also people who have incurred the anger and vengeance sorcerer or witch. Then at night is to them an evil spirit with a wolf's skin and tells her to put on, and after that they start at night to scour the wolves, and at dawn, handing over his Wolfskin again take human form.
] Possible Images
The man who is destined to become volkolak can vary during the life of his good qualities: evil forces control all his actions, taught him witchcraft and even seduce him from the path of truth. He usually cunning, powerful, wonderfully ugly and very happy in all their activities and enterprises, he dies instantly. People's imagination with bright colors draws an image volkolak: yellowish, pitted face wrinkles; vsklochennye, hair standing on end, red, bloodshot eyes, covered with blood up to the elbows hands iron teeth - jet black, bluish mustache and saggy skin on the body - that's external volkolak view. But when the night he leaves the dark grave, or he turns into a bat or takes human form, keeping only their iron teeth. However, after the first cock he rushes back to his grave. To get rid of visits volkolak to kill him in his own grave with a stake of hawthorn. But the difficulty of carrying the tool is how to find the grave volkolak. In most cases, the residents of the area in which, thanks to visits volkolak mortality appeared strong, take a young stallion, and with it go to the cemetery, where forced to move from his tomb on the grave as long until you notice that the stallion began to back away from a grave, make jumps to the side and show signs of fear. This means that the grave is hidden something terrible. Fast approaching villagers to this tomb, surrounding it on all sides, dig, and if you notice that the body of the dead man has not yet decayed, despite the fact that he has long been buried, or if the dead man has the appearance, typical volkolak then turn it on his back and between the shoulders drive a number of hawthorn. Villagers rush to burn the corpse and volkolak count, he was killed.
It is believed that as in the tales of the ancient Slavs encrypts thieves. According to the description "volkolak" is very similar to modern thieves. In the bad old days, the best thief's den - a graveyard, and if specifically, the dugout, disguised as a grave. In the woods to hide it was dangerous for thieves. Cross the threshold of the sorcerer - the essence enter into the house of so-called. "Thief in law". And he'll turn into "volkolak." Happy you are a man, at night - a robber. When the dugout - "grave" thief found with horses, for example, digging - he pretended to be dead, and for that it was a fairy tale, if the corpse is not yet decayed - Pierce his stake. In addition, modern apologists and thieves, and the thieves themselves, see themselves as wolves. [1] Moreover, thieves, and now divided into dragons, who steal are shallow themselves to vodka or drugs, they often forgives people, and those who receive the greatest benefit. "Die volkolak quickly."
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